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Humble Atascocita Baseball Association

HABA General Rules

Humble Atascocita Baseball Association 

General Rules

1.           There will be a "No Forfeit" policy concerning conflicts with school functions (note - Open House does not qualify as a school function). Managers must notify the Umpire-in-Chief at least 48 hours prior to game time that due to a school function, he is unable to field 9 uniformed players. Upon approval of the Umpire-in-Chief, the game will be rescheduled.

2.           If for any reason a team cannot field 8 uniformed players no later than 15 minutes after scheduled game start time, that team shall forfeit by a score of 7-0.  Teams that play with only 8 players will suffer 1 out in the 9th batter position every time through the lineup.  The Official Game Start Time will remain. Example: Official game time 6:00. Actual start time 6:15, the clock will start at 6:00. You will lose actual playing time

3.           Incomplete or postponed games will be rescheduled by the Umpire-in-Chief. Games not made up by the end of the season may be canceled, due to scheduling problems.

4.           Team meetings (games and practice) shall be limited to five times per week (Monday through Sunday). Sunday practice is permitted but not encouraged.

5.           Coaches, players and umpires are not allowed to use tobacco, alcohol or cell phones on the playing field or in the dugout areas.

6.           At no time shall a manager or coach leave the dugout or playing field to discuss (or argue) with any spectator the rules, plays or umpire decisions. Violation will be ejection from game and disciplinary action from the Board of Directors.

7.           No metal cleated shoes are permitted.

8.           Run rules are in effect for every age group - please see specific rules.

9.           Only the manager, coaches (2) and team players will be allowed in the dugout during the game. This applies to all age groups except 6U and 8U, when an additional adult assistant will be permitted to assist with player supervision.

10.        Both teams shall be responsible for pre-game and post-game field maintenance (rake and putting away all equipment). The home team shall also provide adults to keep score.

11.        No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the press boxes or concession stands for any reason.

12.        Each team (parents and players) is responsible for litter pick-up on their respective half of the field and bleachers area and in the dugout.

13.        Each manager shall complete a lineup form with player last name, uniform number, batting order and position. He/she shalt present a copy to the following: opposing manager, official scorekeeper and umpire 10 minutes prior to game time.

14.        All substitutions during the game will be given first to the plate umpire and then to the official scorekeeper.

15.        The official score card must be signed by the plate umpire and the official scorekeeper, complete with date, time and score.

16.        All teams shall be out of the dugout within 5 minutes after the game.

17.        Uniforms are to be worn to all scheduled league games. No changes may be made to the uniforms without Board approval.

18.        A defensive player fielding a ball which leaves the field of play, such as over the fence, under the fence or enters any predetermined dead ball area (dugout or stands) shall hold up both hands and wait for the umpire's decision. Runners may continue to advance at their own risk until time is called.

19.        Catchers are required to use a regulation catcher's mitt and all regulation catchers' equipment.

20.        All batters, base runners and players in the on-deck circle shall be required to wear approved protective headgear.

21.        All league play shall adhere to the preceding HABA general or local league rules. For any rule, regulation or procedure not addressed in the preceding, first see the Five-tool or nations baseball rule book. 

22.        Violation of the minimum play rule shall be grounds for forfeit. Violations must be reported to the Umpire-in-Chief within 24 hours to uphold the forfeit.

23.     Players listed as subs that arrive late to the game are allowed to be inserted at the end of the line-up at the manager's discretion.

Contact Us

Humble Atascocita Baseball Association

PO Box 3936 
Humble, Texas 77347

Email Us: [email protected]
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